Practically zero tolerance when under 21


Ohio’s DUI law provides for a very strict policy on underage drinking and driving. If you are under the age of 21, the allowable level of alcohol in your system while operating a motor vehicle is .02% per 210 liters of the person’s breath. Compared to the permissible level of .08% for adults, it is essentially a zero tolerance policy since the average size male or female will be over .02% after less than one drink.

Penalties for underage DUI

Operating a motor vehicle after underage alcohol consumption is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. In addition to the possibility of 30 days in jail and a $250 fine, community service, probation, treatment, and license suspensions are all possibilities. Developing a strong defense strategy can help to avoid some or all of these penalties.

The Maher Law Firm | Columbus Ohio Underage DUI Attorney

Columbus Ohio is home to the third largest university in the country. With roughly 43,000 undergraduates attending The Ohio State University, underage drinking is pretty common. Most underage people do not know that they are subject to a different standard when driving under the influence. Such charges can have a lasting impact on your future.

If you have been arrested or charged with underage DUI, you should consider hiring an experienced DUI defense lawyer from The Maher Law Firm to help you fight your case. Just as in an adult DUI case, there are certain procedures that must be followed in order for the charges to be legitimate. Call 614-205-2208 or contact us for a free case consultation with a Columbus Ohio DUI lawyer.


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