Funding of Drug or Marijuana Trafficking in Ohio


The Ohio Revised Code defines funding of drug or marijuana trafficking in section 2925.05. Any person who knowingly does the following may be found guilty:

  • Provide money or items of value for the purpose of obtaining any controlled substance to manufacture drugs or cultivate marijuana
  • Provide any money or items of value for the purpose of selling or offering to sell the controlled substance above a certain amount

The amount depends on the type of drug and are currently set as follows:

  • If the substance is included in schedule I, II, III, IV, or V with some exceptions, an amount that equals or exceeds bulk amount
  • If the substance is marijuana, an amount that equals or exceeds 200 grams
  • If the substance is cocaine, an amount that equals or exceeds 5 grams
  • If the substance is LSD, an amount that equals or exceeds 10 unit doses in solid form or one gram in liquid form
  • If the substance is heroin, an amount that equals or exceeds 10 unit doses in solid form or one gram in liquid form
  • If the substance is hashish, an amount that equals or exceeds 10 grams in solid form or 2 grams in liquid form

Penalties for Funding of Drug or Marijuana Trafficking in Ohio

A violation of this section has harsh penalties that can include mandatory prison terms, mandatory fines, driver’s license suspensions, reporting to professional licensing agencies, probation, and parole. As with most drug charges, offense level is determined by the type of drug involved. The various offense levels are generally as follows:

  • If the substance involved is in schedule I or II except marijuana, a felony of the first degree (mandatory prison term)
  • If the substance involved is included in schedule III, IV, or V, a felony of the second degree (mandatory prison term)
  • If the substance involved is marijuana, a felony of the third degree (presumption for prison term)

Contact a Trafficking in Marijuana Lawyer Columbus Ohio | The Maher Law Firm 614-205-2208


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