Commercial DUI Defense Lawyer in Franklin County

If you drive for a living in central Ohio and get charged with the offense of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OVI), you need the advice and representation from a Franklin County DUI attorney. This is true even if you get pulled over in your own car and are off duty. Any license suspension resulting from a driving under the influence charge or conviction applies equally to every license a person holds. It doesn’t even matter which state issued the licenses. Law enforcement agreements ensure that a suspension imposed in Columbus will be enforced in Richmond, Atlanta, Austin, Sacramento, and every other capital city.

Reasons to Hire a Franklin County DUI Attorney

    • Contacting a Franklin County DUI attorney as soon as possible after an officer takes you into custody for suspicion of OVI is also important. Ohio law allows a police officer or state trooper to impose an administrative license suspension for reasons ranging from the suspect’s refusal to participate in breath, blood, and urine testing to the suspect having a history of multiple DUI offenses in the state or elsewhere.
    • An administrative license suspension cancels all driving privileges for several days before the OVI suspect even appears before a magistrate or judge for an arraignment. It will also remain in effect for at least a year if it is not successfully appealed. Getting a CDL reinstated quickly after an administrative suspension requires going through a special hearing process with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles or in the court, and navigating that without the assistance from a Franklin County DUI attorney can be near impossible.
    • The worst consequence of losing a CDL in a drunk or drugged driving case is that Ohio does not allow a person with a suspended commercial license to drive a commercial vehicle at all. An administrative or court-issued CDL suspension can result in losing a job that involves operating heavy equipment, driving a bus, or operating a tractor-trailer. And that would come on top of the thousands of dollars in criminal fines, court costs, and fees for things like a Driver Intervention Program or other required treatment. All the costs of renting, servicing, and checking equipment needed for meeting the terms of an OVI sentence must be paid by the person being penalized.
  • A final reason to hire a DUI lawyer in Franklin County is that the attorney will know how to best analyze and contest blood alcohol concentration evidence. Like other states, Ohio sets the legal BAC limit for truck and bus drivers at .04. That is half the .08 BAC limit for other drivers above the age of 21. False positives arrived at by following improper testing techniques, mishandling blood and urine samples, and misusing laboratory equipment are possible when the standard for presumed intoxication is so low. Invalidating BAC evidence can set the stage for an advantageous plea deal or even the complete dismissal of the OVI charge.

Contact Our Franklin County DUI Defense Lawyer

The Franklin County DUI defense attorney with The Maher Law firm has handled hundreds of driving under the influence cases. We have helped clients in Columbus, Delaware, Dublin, Grandview Heights, New Albany, Reynoldsburg, Upper Arlington, Westerville, and many other central Ohio towns and cities. No-cost, no-obligation consultations are available by calling (614) 205-2208 or filling out this online contact form.


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