Second DUI Charges in Columbus, Ohio Are Considered Extremely Serious

While a first offense DUI in Columbus is serious in its own right, a second OVI charge in Columbus, Ohio brings about even more severe consequences. If you are facing a second DUI conviction in Columbus, Ohio, you might be wondering what the potential penalties are and the next steps you can take.

Driving under the influence has become a highly serious offense in the state of Ohio.  Accordingly, a person charged with a second offense faces mandatory increased penalties. The penalties for DUI/OVI convictions increase with each one and can increase even more depending on the amount of alcohol or other impairments found in your system.

For those facing a second DUI in Columbus, Ohio, there will be differences that a second OVI attorney in Columbus can help guide you through. The Maher Law Firm is here to advise and represent clients that are facing second DUI convictions in Columbus, Ohio. Defense strategies can be implemented in the case of a second OVI charge that may help to reduce the penalties you face.

Second OVI Charge in Columbus, Ohio, and Impact of Blood Alcohol Concentration

One element of the penalty for second DUI in Columbus, Ohio to be aware of is the degree of intoxication based on chemical testing for the amount of alcohol and/or drugs in your system.

Depending on the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, the penalty for a second DUI in Columbus, Ohio may vary. Ohio, like every other state, has a set legal blood alcohol concentration limit of .08 for adult drivers that are over the age of 21. The BAC limit is lower at .04 for commercial truck drivers and at .02 for drivers under the age of 21.

Penalties can differ for a second DUI conviction in Columbus, Ohio based on the degree of intoxication:

  • Low-level OVI/DUI: A BAC over .08 but less than .17
  • High-level OVI/DUI: A BAC that is .17 or over or a refusal to take the test

OVI Ohio: Second Offense Penalties

If you have been charged with your second OVI offense within 6 years, here are the potential penalties:


Mandatory minimum of 10 days in jail, or 5 days in jail and 18 days house arrest. Up to 6 months in jail.

*Note- if you have a high alcohol test result or refuse to test, the mandatory minimum is increased to 20 days in jail, or 10 days in jail and 36 days house arrest.


$525 to $1625




6 points on your driver’s license (12 within a 2 year period results in 6 month suspension and reinstatement requirements)


Initially- 1 year if you fail the chemical test and 2 years if you refuse to take the chemical test

Upon conviction- 1 to 5 years (should get credit for your days under the initial suspension)


90 days if the vehicle is registered in your name


Up to 500 hours







INTERLOCK DEVICE (breathe in tube to start car)

Required if alcohol related

LICENSE REINSTATEMENT FEE (at end of suspension period)


Harsh Penalty for Second DUI in Columbus, Ohio

If you are facing a second DUI in Columbus, Ohio, these are the penalties you can expect to potentially face, depending on the level of your BAC and the tier of your second DUI in Columbus, Ohio:

  • A minimum of 10 days in jail and up to 6 months of jail time
  • A license suspension that ranges from 1 to 3 years
  • Fines ranging from $525 to $1,625 (as opposed to $375 to $1075 on a first offense)

If a second OVI charge in Columbus, Ohio has occurred within ten years of the first, there is minimum mandatory sentencing. The minimum sentencing includes at least 10 days in jail, a fine of at least $525, and a driver’s license suspension of at least one year.

The ten-year look-back period starts from the date of your first OVI/DUI conviction until the date of your second OVI charge in Columbus, Ohio.

A judge may also add these additional penalties onto your second DUI conviction in Columbus, Ohio depending on the BAC level:

  • An interlock device that is placed on your vehicle requiring breath testing before your vehicle will start
  • A 90-day immobilization of your vehicle
  • The possible seizure of your vehicle

Contact A Second OVI Defense Attorney in Columbus

Ohio’s laws regarding DUI’s and OVI’s are some of the most strict in the United States. With the possible penalty for a second DUI in Columbus, Ohio including a lengthy license suspension and mandatory jail time, working with an experienced OVI attorney in Columbus can make all the difference.

The Maher Law Firm may be able to help minimize the penalties you face on your second OVI charge in Columbus, Ohio. Practicing throughout Franklin County with a central location, free phone consultations are available to potential clients. You can get in contact with a second OVI attorney in Columbus by reaching out online or calling attorney Colin Maher with The Maher Law Firm at 614-205-2208.


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