What May Happen When You Refuse...

What May Happen When You Refuse...

Ohio law enforcement personnel use two sets of tests to...

Colin Maher
Colin Maher
16 August 2016
5 Minutes Read
Your Rights During a Sobriety Test

Your Rights During a Sobriety Test

You have the right to remain silent. You have the...

Colin Maher
Colin Maher
25 May 2016
5 Minutes Read
Why Sobriety Tests Are Unreliable

Why Sobriety Tests Are Unreliable

Combinations of field sobriety tests and chemical tests for alcohol...

Colin Maher
Colin Maher
7 April 2016
5 Minutes Read
Human Error During Field Sobriety Tests

Human Error During Field Sobriety Tests

All three of the standard field sobriety tests an officer...

Colin Maher
Colin Maher
23 February 2016
5 Minutes Read

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